School of Management

+91-413-2654 664
Vision and Message of Dean
Dr. P. Natarajan
- Professor
The Landscape of Global business is continually evolving. The rapid technological disruptions and the changing lifestyles will pose huge demands on the future business leaders and executives. The challenge for any business school is to respond quickly and flexibly to the changing environment and needs of the students. I believe we are at a pivotal moment in the history of business education. In this pretext, I deem it as a greatest honor to serve as Dean, School of the Management, Pondicherry University. This School is popularly called as SOM and also one of the Biggest schools in the campus, housing six departments and two off-campus departments one each at Karaikal and Andaman Nicobar (Sri Vijaya Puram).
The SOM-PU has historically been ahead of time to embrace such changes and in providing transformative education to groom the next generation of empathetic leaders. We have made sure to design and deliver quality programmes that would enhance subject knowledge, industry-specific expertise, and interdisciplinary insights and encourage personal transformation of our graduates. We are committed to enable and facilitate the truly exciting and stimulating lifelong learning environments, and experiential education to combine creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, and management learning on campus. This is also reflected by the employers being consistently impressed by the worth of graduates nurtured by SOM- PU.
The goal of the school is to become one of the leading institutions for Business related studies that produce graduates who are intelligent, filled with moral and leadership spirit that will spearhead new knowledge and innovation. The school encompasses the three major disciplines of study such as Economics, Commerce and Management. The School also provides career development, community services and sustainable living. Students, scholars, Professors and staff are turned into leaders of the respective fields, fit to face the challenges of the 21st century. The school has highly competent and experienced faculty team who could coach and sizzle the innovative brains who could easily cope up with dynamics of the business world. Our distinguished faculty members continually publishing high quality and impactful research papers, which greatly recognized world over.
We have a dynamic and interactive classroom environment. We have launched a series of exciting campus activities, leadership learning events, industry interface, international collaborations, community engagements, summer internship, rural penetrations through VPP, and international collaboration initiatives. Above all, SOM-PU provides an enjoyable green lush campus experience, facilitates to build friendships of a lifetime and nurturing a collaborative community.
With this pride, I say that SOM-PU will continue to remain an aspiring destination for many brilliant minds. I hereby invite all students, Scholars, faculty members and staffs of all the departments functioning in the domain of SOM to solicit your co-operation and commitments in going forth toward this new golden horizon .
I look forward to work with you all and make the SOM-PU as a sustainable School of Excellence.