Ph.D. International Business
The Department of International Business offers Ph.D. Programme
in International Business with inter-disciplinary thrust covering
all the functional areas of management. The Department has all
the facilities and infrastructure to encourage the candidates to do
serious research in their chosen fields of research.
Focus Areas
of the program
Global Business
International Economics, Trade Documentation and Procedures, Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Intellectual Property Rights, Cross-Cultural Management, International Strategic Management
International Sales Promotion and Brand Management, Marketing of Hi-Tech products, Services Marketing, New Product Development, Digital Marketing, Marketing Analytics, Industrial Marketing, Innovation and Start-up
Global Merger and Acquisitions, FOREX Management, Financial Services and Derivatives, Fintech, GST, Investment and Portfolio Management
Human Resource
Global Leadership and Skill Development, Performance Management System, HRD Score Card2500, Industrial Relations and Labour Legislation, Training and Development, ERP
Who can prefer this Course
Admission to Ph.D. Programme in International
Business shall be based on the field of specialization
and the vacancies available with eligible guides in
the department. The selection procedure is based on
the entrance test covering all the functional areas of
Management at the MBA level and English & Test of
reasoning. The short listed candidates in the written test
will be called for an Interview at Pondicherry University.