e-Mail Services

Pondicherry University migrated its mail services to https://email.gov.in of National Informatics Centre (NIC), Govt. of India w.e.f., 06/06/2017. All faculty, officers and (on special demand ONLY) students/scholars can avail access to this e-mail service from the URL: https://email.gov.in using their User ID and Password
Creation of new e-mail account
  1. Faculty and Officers of the University who desire to avail a new e-mail ID under the domain pondiuni.edu.in shall submit a request signed by the individual and signed & forwarded by their reporting Officer/Authority (respective Dean/HoD/Centre Head/ Section Head), either by internal dispatch system or through online using e-Forms, to The Head, Computer Centre, Pondicherry University
  2. On receipt of the request, an e-mail account shall be created and its credentials shall be sent by e-mail/SMS to the registered e-mail ID/mobile number.
  3. E-mail users are requested to change his/her password on first login. It is advised to construct a strong password (minimum of 8-alpha numeric characters with atleast one numeral, one Uppercase alphabet, one special character, etc).
  4. User credentials shall not be shared with others
  5. Periodically the passwords shall be changed.
  6. Strictly this e-mail service shall be used for official purposes ONLY.
  7. At regular intervals, the e-mail folders (INBOX, SENT,etc) shall be cleansed by removing/deleting unwanted emails, making copy of the important mails elsewhere, taking print out of most important email communications, etc)
Subject Link to Guidelines
Link to Access Email https://email.gov.in User Manual  (PDF)
Email Service policies of Govt. of India https://msgapp.emailgov.in/docs/policy.html General Terms & Conditions  (PDF)
Obtaining new email-id (online)
 Account Creation/Updation Contact Computer Centre Office
Forget / Change Password / Activate ID https://passapp.email.gov.in/passapp/
Update Profile https://eforms.nic.in/update-mobile
Enabling country policy – access official emails – Abroad General guidelines (PDF)
Frequently Asked Questions https://mail.gov.in/iwc_static/c11n/allDomain/layout/faq.html
Installation of Kavach Application Configuration steps for installing Kavach
Complaints/Service Request
Any assistance, if required, with respect to e-Mail services contact
Pondicherry University (Computer Centre) 0413-2654247 webmaster@pondiuni.edu.in
NIC 1800 111 555 (toll free) servicedesk.nic.in
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