Department of Commerce

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About the Department

The Department of Commerce is one of the pioneering departments of Pondicherry University. Differentiating itself from the traditional M.Com course. The Department offers specialized Post-Graduate course in Commerce, M.Com (Business Finance) with focus on ‘Finance’. The Department aims at imparting in-depth knowledge and professional skills required for handling the “Finance Functions” of the various corporate enterprises. As there is a need for Accounting & Taxation professionals in all sectors of economy, the Department introduced another specialized M.Com. (Accounting & Taxation) programme from the academic year 2011-2012. This course is designed to cater to the manpower requirements of corporate sector having knowledge in the area of Accounting & Taxation, supplementing the manpower supplied by professional courses like Chartered Accountancy and Cost and Management Accountancy.
The Department also offers Ph.D. Programme and encourages research in the field of Accounting, Finance, Banking, Marketing, Personnel Management and other related fields. 95% of the Ph.D scholars of the Department are JRF, MANF, RGNF fellowship holders, and the rest of the scholars get University fellowship.

The Department imparts knowledge through lectures, interactive sessions, case analysis, group discussions on contemporary themes, internship training & project work. Besides, career guidance & counselling, institute-industry interaction programme, application of ICT, industrial/field visits, educational tour and students’ participation in academic activities of Universities and other institutions are also arranged to give practical exposure to the students.
The Department is supported by UGC under SAP (DRS) to achieve academic excellence with a thrust on one of the most contemporary areas in finance i.e. “Derivatives and Risk Management”. The Award of SAP and continuation of it to level II is a proof of the capability of this department and the team work. All faculty members in the Department are research guides. More than 400 publications in National and International Journal are to the credit of the faculty of the Department. The Department has also conducted 4 International conferences, in additional to more than 20 National seminars and workshops.


Vision and Message of Head of Department

Dr. P. Natarajan

  • Professor
Office Contact Details



natarajan profile
Shijin S
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
nidheesh profile
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
The Department is housed in the School of Management building with spacious air conditioned class rooms, overhead LCD Projector and well equipped common computer lab with 50 computers (with internet connection). Round the clock internet facility with access to CMIE prowess data base, SPSS statistical software package and other relevant software required for research are available. In addition, student’s access to the on-line journals from Science Direct, EBSCO host, etc. also is available.
Commerce students are employed in various leading companies as well as in various National Educational Institutions. Our students are placed to work in the areas of Finance, Consultancies. Accounting and Taxation. Many more have undertaken Research Studies. Placement Assistance is provided by the Department.
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