Department of Banking Technology

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About the Department

Department of Banking Technology came into existence to offer a specialized M.B.A. programme in Banking Technology from the
academic year 2005-06. The UGC has sanctioned this programme under its Innovative/Interdisciplinary scheme during 10th plan.
Now the Department has been admitted for regular UGC funding with 8 Faculty Members and state-of-art Computer Lab facility.
The Department offers inter-disciplinary Ph.D. Programme in the area of Computer Science & Engineering and Management from
the academic year 2009-2010. A specialized and self-financed MBA programme in Financial Technology will be offered from the
academic year 2020-21.

Vision: To be a Global Centre of Excellence in all aspects of Technology Management in Banking and Finance Industry.
Mission: To create Man power with know-how and know-why skills required for Managing Technology used in BFSI.


Vision and Message of Head of Department

Dr. A. Balakrishnan

  • Professor
Office Contact Details



mariappan profile
DrSJ PP 2018 - Dr Janakiraman S
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
The Department has a well-equipped computer laboratory with the necessary software and hardware to cater to the learning process of students. The lab is connected to the internet which allows students to enrich knowledge round the clock. However, all the students have to use their own personal laptops for regular classes. The Department subscribes to corporate databases like CMIE Prowess annually for organizing Corporate Finance Lab. Access to Bloomberg Database is through the Central Library. Access to on-line International Journals is available through Intranet in the campus.
Banking Technology Management, Financial Management, Management of Banking & Financial Institutions, Financial Technology services Financial Inclusion, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Derivatives Management, Corporate Governance Information Security, Data Warehousing & Data Mining, Network Management, Software Architecture, Cyber-crimes, Big Data Analytics
The MBA programme with a focussed curriculum on dual electives of Finance and Information Technology has been attracting good number of IT companies, in addition to banking including RBI and other financial institutions, The software companies with verticals in the areas of banking, insurance, capital markets and business solutions are finding interest in in this MBA: Banking Technology degree programme. Flagship companies where students are placed include: TCS, HCL Technologies, Reserve Bank of India, Bank of America, Royal Bank of Scotland, UCO Bank, Oracle, HDFC, IOB, SBI, IDBI, LVB, Federal Bank, ICICI Bank, Bandhan Bank, SIB, CSB, CUB, Cholamandalam Fiance, IndusInd Bank, Bank of Maharastra, Zafin Labs, etc. The Department provides all the required assistance for campus placement activities.
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