Dr. S. Prabu

Research Area

Dr. Prabu Sevugan is a Certified Blockchain Associate, completed B.Engg., in CSE and Did double M.Tech’s and double Ph.D.’s in Remote Sensing and CSE respectively. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Guided 8 PhDs and 1 MS (by Research). Acquired research grants worth 2.4 Cr. He has more than 120 publications in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, Edited 3 Books, published 11 book chapters, and 1 patent. He has organized 3 International Conferences which include one IEEE Conference as chair and also participated in many workshops and seminars. He is a member of many professional bodies and a senior member of IEEE. He is having 18+ years of experience in teaching and research. He worked as Professor and Head, Department of Information Security, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore. Currently, serving as an Associate Professor in the Department of Banking Technology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.

  • Associate Professor

prabu.sevugan@pondiuni.ac.in, prabu.btm@pondiuni.edu.in

Research Guidance
0 years
Teaching Experience

Notable Publications

R.Tamilarasi, S.Prabu. 2021. Automated building and road classifications from hyperspectral imagery through a fully convolutional network and support vector machine. The Journal of Supercomputing. 77, 13243–13261. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-021-03954-7 [SCI & Scopus: 2.474 IF]

Rudhrakoti Venkatesan and Prabu Sevugan. 2020. Spectral And Spatial Features Based Hsi Classification Using Multiple Neuron Based Learning Approach. International Journal of Cloud Computing. 9(2/3): 163-177|ISSN 2043-9989. DOI: 10.1504/IJCC.2020.109371 Published online: 24 Aug 2020 [Scopus: 0.327 IF].

Prabu S, Gopinath Ganapathy. 2020. Steganographic approach to enhance the Data Security in Public Cloud. International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 13(3):388-408. ISSN 1757-2657 [Scopus: 0.319 IF].

Sevugan, P. and Gopinath Ganapathy. 2019. Authentication Mechanism as a Service through a Secured Biometric System in a Cloud Computing Environment. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 47(6): 4028-4038. ISSN: 0090-3973 [SCI- Scopus: 1.264 IF].

Prabu S, Gopinath Ganapathy and Ranjan Goyal. 2018. Enhanced Data Security for Public Cloud Environment with Secured Hybrid Encryption Authentication Mechanisms. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience. 19(4): 351-360. ISSN 1895-1767 [SCI- Scopus: 0.633 IF].

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