Department of Physics

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About the Department

The Department of Physics came into existence in June 1987. The Department offers postgraduate programmes and conducts research in frontier areas of Physics and Material Science. The Department has been recognized for special funding by DST under the Fund for Improvement of Science and Technology Infrastructure (FIST-Level II) and also UGC-SAP DRS-II Programmes. The faculty members have obtained major research grants exceeding Rs 25 crores from different funding agencies such as DST, AICTE, UGC, IFCPAR, NBHM, DRDO, DAE, INSA, CSIR and NAB. The research activities have resulted in publication of more than 800 research papers in peer-reviewed journals including 9 patents. The members of the faculty are accorded with several national and international awards, fellow of the national academies, members in the national and international scientific advisory committees, referees of many
national and international journals. Our faculty members are involved in collaborative research projects with leading scientists in various laboratories and also with Industries in India and abroad.

+91-413-2654-402 /609

Vision and Message of Head of Department

Dr. R. Sivakumar

  • Professor
Office Contact Details



20200423_222326 - Latha KVP
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Dr. Birbikram Singh
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
9486803042 - Yugeswaran Subramaniam
UGC Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Teaching and Research facilities in the Department ofPhysics: Powder X-ray diffractometer (PAN ANALYTIC XPERT), AFM/STM (BRUKER MULTIMODE 8), Differential Scanning Calorimeter (SETARA LABSYS), VSM,FTIR (Shimadzu 8700 Spectrophotometer), DC magnetron sputtering system (Hind-Hivac), Impedance analyzer – 30 to 40 MHz (NOVOCONTROL), Hioki LCR mater with cryostat (80 K to 400 K), Particle size analyser, Surface Area Analyser, Glove box-VAC-USA,Battery cycle tester, Susceptibility meter (Bartington England), High temperature furnaces, Spinner magnetometer (Molspin England), Multifrequency Ultrasonic Interferometer, Laser based experiments, Computer laboratory, High End Computing Cluster, Nd-YAG and Titanium Sapphire Laser.The advanced research facilities accessible to Department of Physics are available in the Central Instrumentation Facility,
  • Materials for High Energy Density Battery
  • Solid State Ionics
  • Laser Dynamics, Nonlinear Optics and Solitons
  • Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
  • Nanomaterials
  • Computational Biophysics and Statistical Mechanics
  • Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory
  • Spintronics, Multiferroics and Photovoltaics
  • Atomic Physics
  • Plasma Physics
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Quantum Information Science
The students of the Department were placed in leading scientific laboratories as well as in MNCs. Our students have been successful in the national level examinations viz., GATE / CSIR-UGC resulting in research placements in India and abroad. Research seminarsare periodically organized by involving eminent Indian and foreign scientists. Department conducted several International/National level conferences/ seminars / workshops to encourage research activities in the University. For empowering students and show causing their talents, programs such as Research scholar seminars, Reflections are organised for the scholars/students of Department of Physics.
The Department has been recognized for special funding by DST under the Fund for Improvement of Science and Technology Infrastructure (FIST-Level II) and also UGC-SAP DRS-II Programmes. The faculty members have obtained major research grants exceeding Rs 25 crores from different funding agencies such as DST, AICTE, UGC, IFCPAR, NBHM, DRDO, DAE, INSA, CSIR and NAB.
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