Dr. Gangineni Ramesh Babu

Research Area

Dr. Gangineni Ramesh Babu is currently working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics, Pondicherry University. He obtained his Master’s degree in 2002 from the University of Hyderabad. He took his Ph.D. from Technical University Dresden & Leibnitz institute of solid state physics and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany in 2008 under the guidance of Prof. Kathrin Doerr and Prof. Ludwig Schultz. During his Ph.D., he indulged in the study of extrinsic magneto-transport and its dependence upon in-situ strain in Manganite thin films. After Ph.D., he worked as a post-doctoral fellow at SPINTEC/CEA/CNRS, Grenoble, France in the area of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions. He joined the Department of Physics in August 2010. Currently, he is working on the study of electronic transport across ferroelectric, ferromagnetic & multiferroic thin film devices for memory & sensing applications.

  • Associate Professor



Research Guidance
0 years
Teaching Experience

Notable Publications

M S R Sankar, K Pramod and R. B. Gangineni, Local ferroelectric studies on interconnected PVDF nano-dot thin films using piezo force microscopy Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30 (23), 20716-20724 (2019)

"U. P. Mohammed Rasi, N. K. Shihab, S. Angappane, R. B. Gangineni, Coexistence of ferromanetic and spin glass-like magnetic ordering in Bi10Co16O38- Bi25FeO40 powder composite Ceramic International 45(12), 15171-15177 (2019)"

K Pramod & R. B. Gangineni: Low voltage bi-polar resistive switching in self-assembled PVDF nano-dot network in capacitor like structures on Au/Cr/Si with Hg as a top electrode Organic Electronics 42, 47-51 (2017)

K Pramod & R. B. Gangineni: Rectifying electronic transport in (Ag or Hg)/PVDF/Au junctions and the role of Fowler-Nordheim tunneling Current Applied Physics 17(11) 1469-1475 (2017)

R. B. Gangineni, C. Bellouard, A. Duluard, B. Negulescu, C. Baraduc, G. Gaudin and C. Tiusan, Interfacial electronic transport phenomena in single crystalline Fe-MgO-Fe thin barrier junctions: Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 (18) 182402 (2014)

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