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The Department of Performing Arts started functioning from the academic year 1988-89 and it offers M.P.A. in Drama &Theatre Arts and Ph.D. in Drama and Theatre Arts and PGDTA – Postgraduate Diploma in Theatre Arts (Add-on course offered in the evening). The Department aims to develop the best research practices under the ‘Performance Tradition’ internationally with different modes of presentations, various techniques, styles and systems employed in the form of creative communications as part of the syllabus. It also intends to provide more insights on Cultural Heritage of India, by guiding and grading to make the students realize that they are the inheritors of the glorious past cultural history of India.
Since the Art of Theatre is a product of Scientific and Artistic creation, the courses are structured in such a way so as to impart the students a clear interdisciplinary approach, encompassing all aspects of human life and also to explore all the possibilities of performance and translate the same through the stage and other medium. It also provides a platform to the students to learn more about the glorious history of the Performing Arts and other related disciplines in order to enhance the creative skills like Acting, Direction, Theatre Techniques and Design, Applied Theatre, Community Theatre and inter-disciplinary play productions.