M.Sc. Chemistry
The curriculum of Two-year M.Sc. Chemistry is spread over four semesters. Considering the key elements of National education policy 2019 with regard to higher education and requirements for obtaining accreditation from professional bodies like American chemical society (ACS) and Royal society of chemistry (RSC), the curriculum is designed to provide an integrated, rigorous and rich educational experiences in diverse interdisciplinary and cross disciplinary domains. Course structure consists of foundational and advanced levels in chemistry and from other sciences with an emphasis to begin research from early stages.
The purpose of the two years M.Sc. Chemistry program at Pondicherry University is to prepare students for careers as professionals in the field of chemistry, for graduate study in chemistry, biological chemistry and related fields, and for professional schools including medical, law and business programs, qualified school and college teachers, to develop skills in analysis and synthesis and more.
Focus Areas
of the program
Chemical Synthesis
For students with a strong interest in synthetic chemistry and its use in the design and synthesis of novel molecules (including pharmaceuticals and natural products) and catalysts. Students anticipating further studies in synthetic chemistry at the research level should strongly consider pursuing courses related to Organic and Organometallic related chemistry courses
Computational Chemistry
For students with an interest in using computers to solve problems in chemistry. The area is specially designed for students with a strong interest in computer science who wish to apply this to chemical problems. Students with a strong interest in physics or mathematics who wish to apply scientific programming to chemical problems might consider choosing courses related to computing applications used in chemistry.
Materials Chemistry
For students interested in the newly emerging field of materials chemistry, including functional materials and optical materials and their application to the electronics and related industries. Student seeking to pursue research studies in this area are strongly recommended to pursue courses related to Solid state, Nano sciences and Green energy sciences
Chemical Biology
For students with a strong interest in applying the principles of chemistry to the molecular foundations of biology. Students in this specialization of Chemistry program shall concentrate their electives in this focus area with courses from Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
Who can prefer this Course
Minimum Qualification: B.Sc.
Chemistry or equivalent from any UGC recognized university/
college. Candidates who do not possess mathematics in their
+2 examination must prove their competence by registering
designated course mathematics course through NPTEL/MOOC.
Admission procedure: The admission to this program is through
a common entrance examination consists of 100 multiple choice
questions, out of which 90 questions will be distributed among
common subdomains of chemistry like Inorganic, Organic,
Physical and Analytical Chemistry at under graduate level and 10
questions will be from mathematics at +2 level.

Physical Chemistry
Basic Mathematical Concepts, Atomic and Molecular Structure, Theory of Gases, Solid State, Chemical Thermodynamics, Chemical and Phase Equilibria, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Adsorption, Spectroscopy

Organic Chemistry
Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry, Organic Reaction Mechanism and Synthetic Applications, Qualitative Organic Analysis, Natural Products Chemistry, Aromatic and Heterocyclic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry
Periodic Table, Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Compounds, Main Group Elements (s and p blocks), Transition Metals (d block), Bioinorganic Chemistry, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Analytical Chemistry