M.Sc. Applied Geology (5 years Integrated Programme)
The 5 year Integrated M.Sc. programme is a well-received and attractive study programme of the Department of Earth Sciences since its launch in 2005. The study programme has been carefully designed with an emphasis on enabling the students to acquire in depth knowledge of the basics in various branches of Geology along with their application. The curriculum with its periodic revisions and balanced combination of theory, laboratory, field and professional trainings is aimed at generating trained manpower with high professional and analytical skills. The structure of courses in the first three year of the study programme is at per with the UGC study curriculum for under-graduate level. A conditional exit option at the end of third year has been introduced to the study programme.
Focus Areas
of the program
Basic Sciences
A combination of undergraduate level hard core courses in Geology, Maths, Physics and Chemistry, along with optional courses from other sciences. The study areas of Geology include a basic understanding of the Earth and its dynamics, landforms and geomorphology, minerals and their crystal structure, rock types, structure of rocks. Study of minerals and rocks in laboratory and field.
Understanding igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary processes and their investigation using petrographic, geochemical and geophysical tools
Evolution of the Earth life through time
Micropaleontology, Paleontology, Stratigraphy: They have tangible connection to life , landscapes, climates of the past, and help understanding how life, landscapes, climate have changed over time and how living things responded to those changes, in addition to their application on exploration of mineral and fossil fuel resources.
Applied Aspects: Economic geology, exploration of earth resources, Remote Sensing & GIS, Hydrogeology
Characteristics and processes of formation of mineral and petroleum deposits. Geological and geophysical methods of mineral and petroleum exploration. Landform study, Lithological mapping and mineral exploration using Remote sensing and GIS. Groundwater study.
Who can prefer this Course
Pass in +2 with 50% of marks and should have studied Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Selection for Integrated M.Sc. Applied Geology will be
based on entrance examination consisting of 100 Multiple
Choice Questions distributed equally among Chemistry,
Mathematics and Physics +2 level.
Multiple Choice Questions in Geology at B.Sc. level for PG entrance
Basic Science
Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics +2 level for Integrated UG+PG