M.Ed. Master of Education
The Two Year Master of Education – M.Ed Program is offered at School of Education, Pondicherry University, as per the revised Regulations of the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE- 2014). The Program provides opportunities for the overall development and Capacity Building of future Teacher Educators. It lays emphasis mainly on the following Specialisations / Subjects – Educational Technology, Teacher Education, Research Methodology, Economics of Education, Educational Planning and Administration, Value Education, Special & Inclusive Education, Environmental Education, Guidance and Counselling etc., The Program offers both theoretical and practicum components throughout the four semesters. The students are provided ‘Hands-on Training’ in the sophisticated ‘Content and Language Integrated Learning(CLIL)’ Resource Centre. They get trained as Pre Service Teacher Educators along with the In Service Teacher Educators. The Program also has structured Extension Training Activities which are to be carried out in the Colleges of Education. The students undertake Field Trip every year to Nodal Institutions including Indian Institute of Advanced study(HP), NCERT, RIEs, NITTTR, Sainik Schools, NIOS, IASEs, DIETs and other significant Organizations. Apart from the hard core subjects, the students take up the mandatory courses viz., Self Development (including Yoga training), Communication Skills and Academic Writing. Research orientation is imbibed throughout leading to Dissertation submission in the fourth semester offering the student eight credits. At the end of fourth semester, the student thus gains 80 credits. In short, the Program offers inputs to the student in order to clear CTET, NET/SLET/SET and other Recruitment Board examinations.
Focus Areas
of the program
"Instructional Technology,Technology Mediated Education,,Teaching Theories, Models and Assessment "
"Curriculum Design and Development, Curriculum Transaction ,Curriculum Evaluation "
"Financing of Education,Economics of Education,Planning & Policies in Education"
"Educational Administration and Organization,Educational Management,Educational Leadership"
Who can prefer this Course
B.Ed. degree / Four year Integrated B.A. B.Ed./ B.Sc. B.Ed. /B.Com. B.Ed. of recognised universities with a minimum of 50% of marks

Teacher Education, Basics of Statistics in Education, Educational Psychology

Educational Philosophy, Sociology of Education, Curriculum Development, Technology of Education, Educational Reforms and Innovations

Educational Administration, Environmental Education, Inclusive Education, Methods of Teaching