M.A. South Asian Studies
The University launched Post Graduate Programme (M.A) in South Asian Studies in the Centre for South Asian Studies during the Academic year 2008-2009 under the XI plan. The student admission intake was made on the all India basis. Since 2008, the South Asia Foundation (SAF) has been supporting the Centre with 16 Madanjeet Singh Group (MSG) Scholarships to students (two – one male, one female – from each SAARC country) to pursue this course. The teaching and research in South Asian Studies at Pondicherry University received major fillip with the signing of a MoU between Pondicherry University and the SAF on June 20, 2009 for the establishment of the Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asia Regional Cooperation (MISARC). In the year 2010, the UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) agreed to associate with all the institutions of excellence established by SAF including MISARC of Pondicherry University. Hence, it has been now renamed as UMISARC (U stands for UNESCO). The Institute has thus become truly global.
The then Prime Minister of India, Dr. Monmohan Singh, inaugurated and dedicated the Institute on 29 June 2012 for promotion of peace and co-operation among the SAARC countries. The syllabus of Post Graduate Programme in South Asian Studies has been uniquely designed to provide cutting edge knowledge of South Asian history, society, culture, economy, governance and politics, etc., from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students are expected not only to develop broad knowledge base to critically understand contentious issues concerning South Asia, but also offer a holistic perspective to address them and contribute towards promoting peace and cooperation in the region. Along with the publication of an International Journal of South Asian Studies, the Institute offers a broad research platform for refined academic debates with regular guest lectures by eminent scholars, diplomats and policy makers etc., besides various academic activities. The Institute offers Ph.D programme from the academic year 2010-11.
Focus Areas
of the program
Political Ideas, International Relations & Theory, Contemporary International Relations, Governance in South Asia
The area focus is to generate a basic understanding about international relations in general and on South Asia in particular. It covers debates on international relations as a discipline, further it focus on origin and development of international relations in Global Politics and South Asian region. Also security, political economy, identity politics- culture, ethnicity, media and national building in South Asia are discussed. The paper covers both International relations as a western discipline as well as South Asian discipline.International Relations theory deals with the major debates which exist on Idealism and Realism to understand international relations in a better ways. Also the traditional and scientific methods of international relations are dealt in this paper. It covers broad outlook on realism, liberalism and constructivism. This paper further focused on Marxian to post-Marxian approach in international relations theory. Governance in South Asia deals with the various conceptual aspects of governance. The contents of this paper further highlights the issues like civil society, elements of good governance like accountability, growth, political stability etc.
Foreign Policy of South Asian Countries & South Asian Regional Cooperation,
"The area focus on a comprehensive framework to understand the Foreign Policy in general and further to understand the basic fundamental ideas like; principles, objectives, types, and benefits of Foreign Policy. Also the factors which helping to determine the foreign policy of any country are also discussed. This paper not only helps to understand theory of Foreign Policy as well as practice part of international relations as nothing but Diplomacy. Further, this course has been designed to make students aware with the role of South Asia in international politics. The main thrust is to transcend distinction between the study of international relations and the study of domestic politics in the specific case of South Asia by focusing upon the global political system of which the states system and the national political systems are both part. As such this course focuses on the connections between the national, regional and international arenas as mediated through the institutions of state and governments, particular cultural and ideological values, and particular desire and aspirations of peoples in this region. The course also throws light on the role of great powers in the region and India’s bilateral ties with its neighbours in the light of global and domestic milieu."
Society, Culture and History of South Asia.
The primary area of is to enable the students to gain some insights on South Asian general geographical description to geo-politics. It familiarizes the students about the historical understanding of colonialism, imperialism and nationalism in South Asia. Further it helps to know about the society and culture which prevails in this South Asian region and its impacts on the World.
Major Powers & South Asia, Political Economy in South Asia
The area focus on the policies ad interests of various major powers of the world towards South Asian countries. Further, it provide an introduction to the politics of international economic relations in South Asian contexts. It will analyze the interplay between politics and economics in three broad areas: international trade, international finance, and economic development. A preface to core economic theories that explain the causes and consequences of international commerce, capital flows, and economic growth will be given to the students enables them to understand and analyse the international economic order in south Asia.
Who can prefer this Course
Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50 % of marks

For M.A in South Asian Studies, the question paper will have objective type questions with multiple choices in the following areas.
Contemporary South Asian society & Culture, International & Regional Organisation

Economic Reforms & foreign policy of South Asian Countries.