M.A. Political Science (5 Year Integrated Programme)
The five-Year Integrated PG programme in Political Science gives an opportunity to talented Plus-two pass outs to get comprehensively trained in all aspect of the most sought after social science discipline. This programme introduces the students to the idea of political theory, its history and approaches, and an assessment of its critical and contemporary trends. Further, the programme is designed to reconcile political theory and practice through reflections on the ideas and practices related to democracy. The course seeks to equip students with the essential intellectual tools for understanding Political Theory, The working of Indian Constitution, Party System in India, Public Policy and administration as also theory and practice of International Relations. The essence of the public policy lies in its effectiveness in translating the governing philosophy into programmes and policies and making it a part of the community living. It deals with issues of decentralization, financial management, citizens and administration and social welfare from a non-western perspective. The programme also introduces the specific elements of Indian Political Thought spanning over two millennia. The primary focus of the study is on individual thinkers whose ideas are however framed by specific themes. The course as a whole is meant to provide a sense of the broad streams of Political Science. The overall objective of the programme is to offer comprehensive training to students to seek employment through competitive examinations in the administrative system of India at the national, state and local levels.
Focus Areas
of the program
Political Theory
This course is divided into two sections. Section A introduces the students to the idea of political theory, its history and approaches, and an assessment of its critical and contemporary trends. Section B is designed to reconcile political theory and practice through reflections on the ideas and practices related to democracy.
Working of Indian constitution
This course acquaints students with the constitutional design of state structures and institutions, and their actual working overtime. The Indian Constitution accommodates conflicting impulses (of liberty and justice, territorial decentralization and a strong union, for instance) within itself. The course traces the embodiment of some of these conflicts in constitutional provisions, and shows how these have played out in political practice. It further encourages a study of state institutions in their mutual interaction, and in interaction with the larger extra-constitutional environment.
Political Process in India
Actual politics in India diverges quite significantly from constitutional legal rules. An understanding of the political process thus calls for a different mode of analysis - that offered by political sociology. This course maps the working of ‘modern’ institutions, premised on the existence of an individuated society, in a context marked by communitarian solidarities, and their mutual transformation thereby. It also familiarizes students with the working of the Indian state, paying attention to the contradictory dynamics of modern state power.
Comparative Government
This is a foundational course in comparative politics. The purpose is to familiarize students with the basic concepts and approaches to the study of comparative politics. More specifically the course will focus on examining politics in a historical framework while engaging with various themes of comparative analysis in developed and developing countries.
Who can prefer this Course
Pass in +2 with a minimum of 50% of marks, The question paper consist of 100 Multiple Choice Questions in the areas of General Knowledge, General English, Social Sciences and test of reasoning.