M.A. Philosophy
M.A. Philosophy (4 Semesters)
This course is operated on the basis of the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) that provides flexibility for the choice of the courses from the Department of Philosophy as well as from the other Centers/Departments/Schools. The students under this Programme are expected to complete 72 credits in 04 semesters out of which minimum 48 credits (prescribed Hard-Core & Soft-Core ) are to be taken from the Department from which they are getting their Master’s Degree. However, students are also allowed to take maximum 60 credits (prescribed Hard-Core & Soft-Core) from their home Department. But it is mandatory that every student must opt for minimum 12 credits from other Departments. This enables students not only to have good grounding in their own discipline, but also some basic knowledge in the allied discipline of their taste. Weekly Seminars, Assignments, Term-Papers, and Tests are conducted for the purpose of continuous assessment. Students would be trained in: (a) the art of Philosophizing, (b) the techniques of problem analysis, and (c) textual study and evaluation.
Focus Areas
of the program
Who can prefer this Course
Master’s degree in Philosophy with a minimum of 55% of marks