Dr. Valerie Dkhar

Research Area

Valerie Dkhar is a cultural anthropologist specializing in ecological anthropology with a Ph.D. from North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India. With over 14 years of teaching and research experience, she has a number of publications to her credentials and is a member of various professional bodies. She has participated and presented papers in many conferences and seminars. Her research interest lies in understanding the dynamics between culture, ecology, and economics within the socio-ecological systems (SES) framework, natural resource management, sacred natural sites and traditional ecological knowledge.

  • Associate Professor



Research Guidance
0 years
Teaching Experience

Notable Publications

Indigenous Knowledge and Biodiversity Conservation: Sacred Groves of India.South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (ISSN 0972-4613), Vol. XV No. 2, Jan-June 2015

On the ‘Quest’ of self-identity and self-discovery in Doing Autoethnography edited by Q. Marak (ISBN 10: 8183876722), 2016, New Delhi: Serials Publications.

The Significance and Importance of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge. South Asian Journal of Socio-political Studies (0972-4613), Vol XIX, No. 2, January –June 2019.

Indigenous Rights and Natural resource Governance in India. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (2249-2496), Vol 9, Issue 4, pp. 1051-1063, 2019.

The Role of Social Taboos in Natural Resource Management. Research Chronicler (2347-5021, 2347-503X), Volume VII, Issue IV, pp. 11-16, 2019.

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