Dr. K. Chellamani
Research Area
I am Professor in School of Education and I have been here in Pondicherry University since 2009. Earlier I was a Lecturer in University of Madras. My area of interest is Neuroscience based Teaching and Learning and experiments in Educational research and I received DST project in these lines. The innovations in teaching learning brought two times NCERT Award, Broad Outlook Learner Teacher Award from The Hindu, and one International publication out of the International Seminar in Vigyan Bhavan. The research outcomes were published in 70 peer reviewed journals. And to my credit published Six books, chapters in 7 books and Edited 3 books. Authored a self-learning material on ‘Science of Education’ for the course M.A in Education, Mother Teresa University. I was one of the authors of English Textbook published by Tamil Nadu Textbook Corporation for standards VII & VIII and a Resource book, and Teacher Education, Government of Tamil Nadu.
Notable Publications
Chellamani K & Thamizhiniyan K. (2023). Educational Neuroscience: Implications for the Future. Vol.61 (23). Pp. 14 – 20. ISSN 0566-2257
Chellamani K & Raghi. P. (2023). “Prevalence of Neuro myths among Indian School Teachers” .The International Journal of Indian Psychology. Jan.-Mar. 2023. Vol.11 (1). https://ijip.in/issue/?volumes=Volume-11-Issue-1 11(1), 614-623. DIP:, DOI:10.25215/1101.064
Chellamani K. ( 2022). Annotated bibliography of constructivism in educationJournal of All India Association for Educational Research. Vol.34, No.1&2, pp. 70-76, June & December 2022
Anand K & Chellamani, K. (2021). Pedagogical Challenges and Neurocognition in Education for the 21st century. In Neuro-Systemic Applications in Learning (p. 538). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. (ISBN: 978-3-030-72400-9) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72400-9
Ananda Kumar, A & Chellamani, K (2020). Effect of Emotive Cognition Strategies on Enhancing Meaningful Learning among B.Ed. Student-Teachers. Shanlax International Journal of Education. Vol. 9 (1), December,2020. ISSN: 2320- 2653.pp.152-162