Dr. D. H. Malini
Research Area
Myself Dr. D. H. Malini, joined with Pondicherry university, department of Management, Karaikal Campus in 03.07.2009. Prior to joining to PU, I was Assistant Professor at North Eastern Shill university, Tura Campus, Meghalaya. I was in teaching since 2002 with affiliated institution & couple of years experience in the field of Marketing. Attended Faculty Development Programme in Management at Indian institute of Management, Ahemadabad. My areas of interest are Marketing , Advertising & Sales promotion, Risk Management & Insurance. Received best paper awards in Internation conference at Singapore & India. Published and presented papers in refereed national & International conferences & journals. Completed minor Research Project from UGC.
Research Guidance
Teaching Experience
Notable Publications
Unravelling Tourists preferred Homestay Attributes from online Review: a sentiment Analysis Approach, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics ( Scopus)
High Performance Work practice of select Apparel Manufacturing and Retail Companies in Bangalore, Sumedha Journal of Management ( Scopus)
Sentiment analysis of eWOM on service Performance of Public Undertaking Hotels,Amity Journsl of Marketing
Impact of High Performance Work Practices on Employee Engagement in Apperal Manufacturing and retail firms, Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management
Assessing intervention of satisfaction and switching costs in service quality - customer loyalty link, International Journal of Technoly Transfer and commercialisation
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