Centre for Nano Sciences & Technology

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About the Centre

The Centre for Nanoscience and Technology was established in the year 2010 and it works in synergy with the other Science and Engineering Departments of the University. The Centre offers M.Tech. program in Nanoscience and Technology and Ph.D program in Nanoscience and Technology. All the faculty members possess a high research profile with the ability to conduct research in the emerging areas of Nanoscience and Technology. The faculty members of the Centre have published more than 400 research articles in
the International Journals and also taken more than 20 patents. The Centre has undertaken many funded research projects for more than Rs.8 Crores from various funding agencies like DST-SERB, DST-MES, DST-CERI, DST-NM, CSIR, UGC, UGC-DAE, DRDO, ICMR and AICTE. The Centre is proud of its Alumni spreaded over in various spheres of learning and research both in National and International Institutions.



Vision and Message of Centre Head

Dr. P. Thangadurai

  • Professor
Office Contact Details



suresh babu-profile
Thanga-Dec2015-pp-4 - Thangadurai P.
kannan s nano profile
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
The Centre has equipped laboratories and instrumentation facility for teaching and research in Nanoscience and Technology. The instrumentation facility includes High end computing cluster with 26 computer systems for modeling and simulation studies, X-ray diffractometer, Nano-indenter, Electrochemical workstation with AC-impedance analyzer, E-beam and thermal evaporation coating units, UV-Visible spectrometer, Spectrofluorometer, Solar simulator with J-V measurement system, Ultrasonic-homogenizer, High speed centrifuge, Water purifier, Quartz double distillation unit, Electrospinning unit, Ball milling, Glove box, Air oven, Digital electronic balance, Precision Spin & Dip coating units, High temperature tubular and Muffle furnaces, LCZ meter etc. Further, some more major equipment are available in the Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) of the University.
The thrust areas of teaching are: •Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructure Materials •Nanostructure materials for Clean Energy Systems like Fuel cells, Solar cells, Batteries and Supercapcitors. •Solar Photovoltaics – DSSCs, QDSSCs & PSCs •Bio-Materials •Wound Healing Materials •Scaffold for Tissue Engineering •2D-Materials: Graphene •Metal, and Metal oxide hetero-structures. •Surface and Interface study of 2D materials •Nano-Biotechnology •Polymers and Nano Composites •Computer Modeling & Simulation •Nano Structure Fabrication and Devices •Surface Engineering •Nano-Electronics •Nano-Photonics •Nano–Magnetism •High k-Materials •Gas Sensors & Bio-Sensors •Nano-Filters/Membranes •Nano-Catalysts *Nano-Magnetic Materials *Nano-Coatings
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