Quarterly Return Form


Quarter : Ist Quarter ; Year: 2011-2012

Block I (Details about the requests and appeals)
Progress during Quarter
 Opening Balance as on beginning of Ist QuarterNo. of applications received as transfer from other PAs u/s 6(3)Received during the Quarter (including cases transferred to other PAs)No.of cases transferred to other PAs u/s 6(3)Decisions where requests/appeals rejectedDecisions where requests/appeals accepted
Requests00 35 0 0 35
First Appeals0N/A 2 N/A0 2
 Total no. of CAPIOs designatedTotal no. of CPIOs designatedTotal no. of AAs designated


Block II (Details about fess collected, penalty imposed and disciplinary action taken )
Registration Fee collected
(in Rs.) u/s 7(1)
Addl. Fee Collected (in Rs.) u/s7(3)Penalty Amount Recovered (in Rs.)As directed by CIC u/s 20(1)No. of cases where disciplinary action taken against any officer u/s  20(2)
360 100 00


Block III (Details of various provisions of section 8 while rejecting the requested information)
No. of times various provisions were invoked while rejecting requests
Relevant Sections of RTI Act 2005
Section 8 (1) Sections
a b c d e f g h i j 9 11 24 Other
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Block IV (Details regarding compliance of direction/recommendation of the Commission)


Reference No. of cases wherein Commission made specific recommendation as per section 25(5) (max. 20 chars)

Whether action is initiated to comply with recommendation of Commission.

Details, thereof (max. 250 chars)




A copy of the reply of the Appellate Authority has been sent to the Appellant, as per the directions of the CIC





If the Public Authority made any changes in regard to its rules/regulations/procedures as a result of requested information by the citizens, please provide the summarized details of the changes (max. 500 chars)


Block V (Details regarding compliance of direction/recommendation of the Commission)

Last Date of Uploading the Pro-active Disclosures on the website of PA

Name of the person who is entering/updating data

Designation of the person who is entering/updating data

13.05.2011  (Format dd/mm/yyyy)




Quarterly Return Form


Quarter : IInd Quarter ; Year: 2011-2012

Block I (Details about the requests and appeals)
Progress during Quarter
 Opening Balance as on beginning of Ist QuarterNo. of applications received as transfer from other PAs u/s 6(3)Received during the Quarter (including cases transferred to other PAs)No.of cases transferred to other PAs u/s 6(3)Decisions where requests/appeals rejectedDecisions where requests/appeals accepted
Requests 0 0 38 0 1 37
First Appeals 0 N/A 1 N/A 0 1
 Total no. of CAPIOs designated Total no. of CPIOs designated Total no. of AAs designated
 0 16 1


Block II (Details about fess collected, penalty imposed and disciplinary action taken )
Registration Fee collected
(in Rs.) u/s 7(1)
Addl. Fee Collected (in Rs.) u/s7(3) Penalty Amount Recovered (in Rs.)As directed by CIC u/s 20(1) No. of cases where disciplinary action taken against any officer u/s  20(2)
410/- 14/- 0 0


Block III (Details of various provisions of section 8 while rejecting the requested information)
No. of times various provisions were invoked while rejecting requests
Relevant Sections of RTI Act 2005
Section 8 (1) Sections
a b c d e f g h i j 9 11 24 Other
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Block IV (Details regarding compliance of direction/recommendation of the Commission)
S.No. Reference No. of cases wherein Commission made specific recommendation as per section 25(5) (max. 20 chars) Whether action is initiated to comply with recommendation of Commission. Details, thereof (max. 250 chars)
1 Nil -Select-
2   -Select-
If the Public Authority made any changes in regard to its rules/regulations/procedures as a result of requested information by the citizens, please provide the summarized details of the changes (max. 500 chars)



Block V (Details regarding compliance of direction/recommendation of the Commission)
Last Date of Uploading the Pro-active Disclosures on the website of PA Name of the person who is entering/updating data Designation of the person who is entering/updating data
12/09/2011  (Format dd/mm/yyyy) S.ALAMELU ASSISTANT REGISTRAR (PCR)


Quarterly Return Form


Quarter : 3rd Quarter ; Year: 2011-2012

Block I (Details about the requests and appeals)
Progress during Quarter
 Opening Balance as on beginning of Ist QuarterNo. of applications received as transfer from other PAs u/s 6(3)Received during the Quarter (including cases transferred to other PAs)No.of cases transferred to other PAs u/s 6(3)Decisions where requests/appeals rejectedDecisions where requests/appeals accepted
Requests 0 1 38 0 1 37
First Appeals 0 N/A 1 N/A 0 1
 Total no. of CAPIOs designated Total no. of CPIOs designated Total no. of AAs designated
 0 16 1


Block II (Details about fess collected, penalty imposed and disciplinary action taken )
Registration Fee collected
(in Rs.) u/s 7(1)
Addl. Fee Collected (in Rs.) u/s7(3) Penalty Amount Recovered (in Rs.)As directed by CIC u/s 20(1) No. of cases where disciplinary action taken against any officer u/s  20(2)
410 14/- 0 0


Block III (Details of various provisions of section 8 while rejecting the requested information)
No. of times various provisions were invoked while rejecting requests
Relevant Sections of RTI Act 2005
Section 8 (1) Sections
a b c d e f g h i j 9 11 24 Other
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Block IV (Details regarding compliance of direction/recommendation of the Commission)
S.No. Reference No. of cases wherein Commission made specific recommendation as per section 25(5) (max. 20 chars) Whether action is initiated to comply with recommendation of Commission. Details, thereof (max. 250 chars)
If the Public Authority made any changes in regard to its rules/regulations/procedures as a result of requested information by the citizens, please provide the summarized details of the changes (max. 500 chars)
* Block V (Details regarding Mandatory Disclosures and Transparency Officer)
A. Is the Mandatory Disclosure under Sec. 4(1)(b) posted on the website of Public Authority ? If Answer of (A) is No –
Is there any other medium of dissemination? Provide details below (not exceeding 500 chars)
If Answer of (A) is yes –
Provide the detail/ URL of webpage, where the disclosure is posted,
Yes http://www.pondiuni.edu.in/content/right-information
B. Name of Transparency Officer, if any, in the Public Authority along with the designation, telephone number & e-mail ID ,
Whether Transparency Officer Appointed Yes
Name of Transparency Officer S. Raghavan
Gender Male
Designation Finance Officer
Contact Number 0413-2655178
Email Address fo@pondiuni.edu.in
C. Last Date of updating of Mandatory disclosure under Section 4(1)(b) 12/09/2011
(Format dd/mm/yyyy)


Quarterly Return Form


Quarter : 4th Quarter ; Year: 2011-2012

Block I (Details about the requests and appeals)
Progress during Quarter
  Opening Balance as on beginning of Ist Quarter No. of applications received as transfer from other PAs u/s 6(3) Received during the Quarter (including cases transferred to other PAs) No.of cases transferred to other PAs u/s 6(3) Decisions where requests/appeals rejected Decisions where requests/appeals accepted
Requests 0 1 76 0 2 75
First Appeals 0 N/A 1 N/A 0 7
  Total no. of CAPIOs designated Total no. of CPIOs designated Total no. of AAs designated
  0 16 1


Block II (Details about fess collected, penalty imposed and disciplinary action taken )
Registration Fee collected
(in Rs.) u/s 7(1)
Addl. Fee Collected (in Rs.) u/s7(3) Penalty Amount Recovered (in Rs.)As directed by CIC u/s 20(1) No. of cases where disciplinary action taken against any officer u/s  20(2)
840 170 0 0


Block III (Details of various provisions of section 8 while rejecting the requested information)
No. of times various provisions were invoked while rejecting requests
Relevant Sections of RTI Act 2005
Section 8 (1) Sections
a b c d e f g h i j 9 11 24 Other
0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Block IV (Details regarding compliance of direction/recommendation of the Commission)
S.No. Reference No. of cases wherein Commission made specific recommendation as per section 25(5) (max. 20 chars) Whether action is initiated to comply with recommendation of Commission. Details, thereof (max. 250 chars)
If the Public Authority made any changes in regard to its rules/regulations/procedures as a result of requested information by the citizens, please provide the summarized details of the changes (max. 500 chars)
* Block V (Details regarding Mandatory Disclosures and Transparency Officer)
A. Is the Mandatory Disclosure under Sec. 4(1)(b) posted on the website of Public Authority ? If Answer of (A) is No –
Is there any other medium of dissemination? Provide details below (not exceeding 500 chars)
If Answer of (A) is yes –
Provide the detail/ URL of webpage, where the disclosure is posted,
Yes http://www.pondiuni.edu.in/content/right-information
B. Name of Transparency Officer, if any, in the Public Authority along with the designation, telephone number & e-mail ID ,
Whether Transparency Officer Appointed Yes
Name of Transparency Officer S. Raghavan
Gender Male
Designation Finance Officer
Contact Number 0413-2655178
Email Address fo@pondiuni.edu.in
C. Last Date of updating of Mandatory disclosure under Section 4(1)(b) 12/09/2011
(Format dd/mm/yyyy)



Name of the Person who is entering /updating  data Smt. S.ALAMELU
Designation of the person who is
entering/Updating data


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