Ph.D. Microbiology
The Department have been collaborated with Ireland, Mexico, United Kingdom and Taiwan for research and student internship programmes. A MoU was established with ICMR center, Hyderabad. The Department has been implementing major research projects funded by DST, SERB, DBT, UGC, CISR and international collaborative projects with Russia, United Kingdom, Ireland and Mexico. The Department is a consortium partner in European Union funded H2020 initiative on MicrobiomeSupport. The department has been established with modern research facilities and equipment. The Department is promoting research in various specialization under the faculty research units include 1. Microbial Genomics and Microbiome Bioprospecting Research Unit: a research team is working on the exploration of microbiomes associated with marine sponges, corals, bat and human gut. Microbiomes. 2. Enzyme Technology Research Unit: The principal research interest is focused on microbial enzymes of industrial and ecological importance. 3. Cell Signalling Research Unit: This lab is focused on understanding the signaling mechanism during microbial infections and is also interested in understanding signaling pathways via the stem cell factor and cytokine receptors in hematopoietic cells. 4. Fungal Genetics and Mycotoxicology Research Unit: Fungal Genetics and Mycotoxicology Research Unit focusses on studies of gene organization and expression at the cellular and molecular levels in mycotoxigenic fungi. 5. Microbial Biocatalysis and Drug Discovery Research Unit: The research unit of Biocatalysis and Drug Discovery is aimed to biocatalysis and biotransform natural & synthetic compounds and pharmaceutical intermediates using microbial whole cell system or isolated enzymes. An INSPIRE faculty is working on Understanding the role of miRNA in malaria pathogenesis and developing new class of antimalarial agents for treating Plasmodium infection.
Focus Areas
of the program
Microbiome Biology, Microbial Bioprospecting
Host-pathogen interactions
Fungal Genetics and Mycotoxicology Enzyme Technology Microbial Biocatalysis and Drug Discovery
Malaria Parasite Biology
Who can prefer this Course
Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology / Biotechnology/
Botany/ Biochemistry/B.Sc., MLT/ Zoology/ or in any
other branch of Life Sciences with a minimum of 55%
of marks
For admission to the Ph.D program,
UGC/CSIR- NET qualified students are directly admitted
to the program. Students can join the Ph.D. Program
based on merit as per list prepared following the National
Level Entrance Examination conducted by Pondicherry
University and are entitled to receive the University
Fellowship. Research Fellows selected in Research Projects
who are desirous to register for Ph.D. have to appear for the
Entrance Examination.