M.Sc. Microbiology
The Department of Microbiology was started as a M.Sc. Microbiology programme in 2011 and was established as a Center in 2012. The Department of Microbiology was expanded with introduction of Ph.D. Microbiology, post-doctoral programmes and funded research projects. The Department is committed to excellence in education, research and extension. The Department is supported by the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India through FIST program to augment teaching and research. The programme is being strengthened with various research units and periodical update / modernization of the curricula. The Department introduced a course in Microbiome Biology for the first time in India. As the microbial activities are so diverse, the microbiology programme is a multidisciplinary subject, which will have the roots of life science, environmental science, and engineering. Considering recent innovations and rapid growth of microbiological approaches and applications in human and environmental sustainability, the M.Sc. Microbiology curricula is designed to enlighten the students in the basics of Microbiology to recent developments. The first semester curricula would cover basic concepts including biomolecules and metabolism, cell and molecular biology and techniques in microbiology. In the second semester, the students will study core microbiology including Microbiome biology, mycology, virology etc, subsequently they will study applied and modern microbiology including environmental, food, agriculture, aquatic microbiology, microbial genomics and metagenomics. A unique feature of the curriculum includes both theory and practical courses for each paper and dissertation work in the fourth semester. The alumni of the Department have been placed in industries, academia and research institutes in India and abroad.
Focus Areas
of the program
Microbiome Biology, Metagenomics, Microbial Genomics
Infection-Immunity, Stem cell biology
Enzyme Technology, Developmental Biology, Drug discovery and Microbial catalysis
Fungal Genetics and Mycotoxicology, Parasitology & Antimalarial Therapeutics
Who can prefer this Course
The questions will be of testing the basic knowledge of the students in general and applied microbiology, biochemistry, cell and molecular biology and genetic engineering. Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology / Biotechnology/
Botany/ Biochemistry/B.Sc., MLT/ Zoology/ or in any
other branch of Life Sciences with a minimum of 55%
of marks