M.Sc. Applied Psychology
The M.Sc. Applied psychology aims to train the students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills of psychology. Each year of the course has two semesters numbered in succession from one to four. The first two semesters offers common papers to all the students enrolled from MSc applied psychology that aims to equip students for the theoretical and practical aspects of general understanding of psychology in its totality.
During third and fourth semesters the students are opted to choose one of the three specializations namely clinical, industrial, and counselling psychology. The specialization courses intend to train students in the different areas from both theoretical and practical application to the respective fields. Therefore, the specializations have internship as well as dissertations that equip both practice of the specialized field as well as researching in the area of specialization.
The course is designed in such way that students are trained in the overall spectrum of specialization along with the background preparation. The focus is given to the cultural context and value system of Indian subcontinent.
In view of the advancements of the field of study, the course has been designed strive to prepare competencies in theoretical and practical aspects of psychology to use the knowledge to apply it in the highest standards of morals and ethics.
Focus Areas
of the program
Clinical Psychology
Industrial Psychology
Counseling Psychology
Who can prefer this Course
B.A./ B.Sc. (Hons) three years course in Psychology with at least 55% marks or Bachelor’s degree with at least 55% marks in aggregate in any discipline with Psychology as one of the subjects for all three years.

General Psychology, Social Psychology

Developmental Psychology, Psychopathology

Industrial Psychology, Statistics in Psychology