M.A. Mass Communication

The Department of Electronic Media and Mass Communication offers M.A. in Mass Communication, a two-year postgraduate programme, since 2008. The programme aims to train students in the spheres of print/TV/digital journalism, television production, radio production, advertising, public relations, film studies, digital media, communications management, international communication, development communication, media and culture studies, photojournalism etc. We aim to nurture cutting edge media professionals with effective communication and critical thinking skills. We work towards preparing young minds with a strong foundation in values and principles, who proactively intervene in the development of a humane society. The programme is designed to produce a full-rounded personality aided by the fusion of theoretical knowledge and practice-based insights to help students embark on independent research, higher studies, and a career in media and communication industries.

Focus Areas


of the program


A rich fund of training is provided to students to enable them to become journalists of the future who stand for fearless, unbiased and perceptive reporting. Students receive training for reporting on rural and urban issues for print, television, radio and digital media through texts, photography and video. Through the pedagogy of theatre-in-education, improvisations, role-playing and performance, students learn the principles, practices and ethics of journalism. Intense practical training enhances their visual design and video editing skills along with camera and sound techniques. Further, the programme also prepares students to embark on careers in visual design, infographics and data journalism.

Film Studies / Culture & Communication

The programme lays special emphasis on film studies in which films are critically analysed both through textual and technological prisms. Students will understand film semiotics, film philosophy, genre studies and film discourses in addition to film aesthetics, direction, production, etc. Further, students will examine cultural messages with a critical eye. The programme teaches a breadth of theoretical knowledge to enable students to read political, economic, social and ideological meanings underlying messages we consume that include journalism, entertainment, films, music, soaps, reality shows, advertisements, online content etc. Another key feature of this programme is to help students understand media ethics, media laws, human rights and media. The programme also deals with issues that shape communication and cultural policy.

Development/Health/Disaster Communication

"This programme offers a special focus on development communication wherein students will develop a distinct understanding of local, national and global developmental issues. Students will learn a range of theoretical concepts and will also engage in on-the-ground activities to gather information as well as transmit information to the society about hygiene, health and basic rights to education and other developmental aspects. Situated in the coastal region, the programme also offers specialisation on disaster communication. Students will gain a clear understanding of how to use communication channels effectively during emergency disaster situations with emphasis given to change communication and community engagement. "

"Media Production: Photography/Digital and TV Production"

The programme provides a practical environment for students interested in the professional use of broadcast technologies and photography equipment. Students get trained on photojournalism, aerial photography, and other finer aspects such as indoor, outdoor, sports photography to name a few. They learn how to produce television, radio and online content through pertinent training on-camera techniques, video editing, sound recording through in-class and workshops handled by practitioners. They learn the aesthetics and grammar of audio-visual media to express ideas and thoughts effectively in the form of documentaries and short films. Students also learn how to write scripts for fiction and non-fiction.

Who can prefer this Course


Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50% of marks
Media, Communication & Society, Media Laws, Media Current Affairs, Journalism, Advertising, Corporate Communication, media history and recent trends in media, digital media, English, Maths/logical thinking and communication

Current Curriculum

Year of Revision : 2019
  • Course Content
  • Reference Book
  • Valuation Pattern

Previous Curriculum

  • Course Content
  • Reference Book
  • Valuation Pattern
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