Dr. Velmurugan. K

Research Area

VELMURUGAN K is currently teaching as Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Pondicherry University. Prior to joining Pondicherry University, he has worked as Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Janki Devi Memorial College, and Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi. He has a Ph. D in Philosophy from Pondicherry University. His area of interest in teaching and research includes Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Buddhism and Social Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language, Logic, Indian Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Critical Thinking and Decision Making, Ethics in Public Domain, Ethical Decision Making, Philosophy of Science, Philosophical Thought of Ambedkar, & Art and Film Appreciation.

He has served as Convener for Remedial Classes, Member of Examination Committee, Point person for IQAC, AQAR & NAAC, and Member of Board of Paper setter & Examiner: Ethics– Theory and Practice-II, Ethical Studies, Philosophical Thought of Ambedkar, Introduction to Ethics, Philosophy of Mind, Indian Philosophy, Greek Philosophy, Yoga Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, and was Convener for Philosophical Thought of Ambedkar. Resource Person for Add–On Course on Human Values: Problems and Prospects-II.

He has also contributed for the Formulation of Curricula and Syllabi for Courses under UGCF 2022-NEP for First Semester, DSC10: Contemporary Indian Philosophy, DSE 2–A Contemporary Indian Philosophy, SEC1-A: Yoga Philosophy. For Second Semester, GE 2 –C: Engaged Buddhism, DSE 2B: Philosophy of Science, DSE 5- A: Philosophy of Mind, GE 8A: Global Philosophy, DSC 8: Greek Thought, DSE 2: Philosophy of Ambedkar, DSE 5: Buddhist Philosophy, DSE 8: Philosophy of Science. He has published five articles in national and international journals by reputed publishers and the following works are on shelved as not-yet published:
i) Iyothee Thassar’s Aadhivedham and Ambedkar’s Buddha and His Dhamma: A Comparative Analysis.
ii) Epistemic Injustice Practices in Academic and Non-Academic Arena: A Philosophical Approach.
iii) Malcolm X Black Movement and Thol. Thirumavalavan Dalit Movement: A Critical Study

Research Guidance
0 years
Teaching Experience

Notable Publications

Ambedkar’s Interpretation of Texts and Traditions

Hermeneutics as an Understanding Dalit World

The Role of Religion for the Liberation of Dalits

Tamil Buddhism as an Emancipatory Identity

Ambedkar on Religion and Caste

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