Dr. V. S. Vaidyanathan

Research Area

Having completed Masters and doctoral degree in Statistics, my passion for the subject took me to teaching and research. I have been teaching Statistics for the past two decades to under graduate and post graduate students especially courses like Statistical Inference, Regression analysis, Data Mining methods, Programming in R. My research interests include but not limited to inference for queueing models, parametric estimation in mixture models, modelling count data and data mining. Being a member of various academic and professional bodies popularizing Statistics, I contribute to knowledge sharing by delivering talks in seminars, workshops, conferences and by publishing research articles in peer reviewed journals. I look forward for collaborative research and consultancy.

  • Associate Professor


vaidya.stats@pondiuni.ac.in, vaidya_vs@yahoo.com

Research Guidance
0 years
Teaching Experience

Notable Publications

"Sharon Varghese A and Vaidyanathan, V.S. (2020): Parameter estimation of Lindley step stress model with independent competing risk under type 1 censoring, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 49 (12), 3026-3043."

Vaidyanathan, V.S. and Sharon Varghese A. (2019):Discriminating Between Exponential and Lindley Distributions, Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications 18 (3), 295-302.

Vaidyanathan, V.S. and Chandrasekhar, P. (2018): Parametric estimation of an M|Er|1 queue, OPSEARCH 55 (3-4), 628-641.

Yadavalli, V.S.S., Vaidyanathan, V.S, Chandrasekhar, P. and Abbas, S. (2017): Applications of quadrivariate exponential distribution to a three-unit warm standby system with dependent structure, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 46 (14), 6782-6790.

"Vaidyanathan, V.S. and Vani Lakshmi, R. (2016): Estimation of parameters in a finite mixture of multivariate gamma distributions using gaussian approximation, SriLankan Journal of Applied Statistics 17 (3) "

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