Dr. Shailendra Singh

Research Area

My research area of interrest are mainly mineral exploration using Electrical, Electromagnetic, Magnetotelluric and potential field methods to understand and explore the mineral deposits underneath the earth surface. My resrearch area is also to understand the electrcal nature i.e. resistivity behaviour of earth from surface to mantle using the magnetotelluric techniques. Ground water exploration using different geophysical methods.

  • Assistant Professor

shailendra.ism@gmail.com; shailendra.ism@pondiuni.ac.in

Research Guidance
0 years
Teaching Experience

Notable Publications

Audio-magnetotelluric investigation of sulfide mineralization in Proterozoic–Archean greenstone belts of Eastern Indian Craton

Near-surface high resolution imaging of a metallogenic zone in the northern fringe of Dalma volcanics in eastern India using electrical resistivity tomography

Lithologic boundaries from gravity and magnetic anomalies over Proterozoic Dalma volcanics

Audio-magnetotelluric investigation of Bakreswar Geothermal Province, Eastern India

3D Inversion of Audio Magnetotelluric Data for Sulphide Mineralization over Dhanjori Basin

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