Dr. R. Prasanth

Research Area

Dr. Prasanth Ravindran received Ph.D from Eindhoven University of Technology for the thesis entitled “Photonic switching in III-V nanostructures”. He pursued his post doctoral research at Peter Debye institute at Utrecht University. His invention of resonance enhancement of second harmonic generation and polariton confinement in nanocavity leads to the development of polariton lasers. His current research interest is development of one dimensional and zero dimensional nano-systems for energy conversion. He developed super hydrophilic nanotube surfaces that enhances the heatflux less super heat that enhances the efficiency of direct steam generators. He published research articles in leading international journals such as Renewable and sustainable Energy Review, Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review Letters, Advanced Functional Materials, Electrochemica Acta, Journal of Electrochemical society Journal of Quantum Electronics, Journal of power sources, Journal of colloids and interface science etc and also presented papers in many leading conferences in Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, United States, Japan and Singapore. He also serves as reviewer of many leading scientific journals.

  • Professor



Research Guidance
0 years
Teaching Experience

Notable Publications

A critical review of recent developments in nanomaterials for photoelectrodes in dye sensitized solar cells CC Raj, R Prasanth Journal of Power Sources 317, 120-132

Resonance enhancement of optical second harmonic generation in a ZnO nanowire R Prasanth, LK Van Vugt, DAM Vanmaekelbergh, HC Gerritsen Applied Physics Letters 88 (18), 181501

All-optical switching due to state filling in quantum dots R Prasanth, JEM Haverkort, A Deepthy, EW Bogaart, J Van Der Tol, ... Applied Physics Letters 84 (20), 4059-4061

Electrochemical tuning of titania nanotube morphology in inhibitor electrolytes VC Anitha, D Menon, SV Nair, R Prasanth Electrochimica Acta 55 (11), 3703-3713

Enhanced boiling heat transfer by nano structured surfaces and nanofluids CGJ Prakash, R Prasanth Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 82, 4028-4043

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