Dr. P. M. Mohan
Research Area
I am an ambitious personality in the field of research. I produced within the short span of thirteen years, twelve Ph.D.’s and two will be submitted to their thesis and five are working for their Ph.D. degree. Nineteen years of service in Andaman, I published more than 130 research articles about Andaman Biodiversity, Coral reef environment, Climatic Studies and related topics. There were two new species identified one each in Sponge and Polycheata and around 30 species were reported as new records for these Islands. I alone have funded projects of more than 5 crore rupees and my laboratory at present is one of the best laboratories for Climatic Studies in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Studying the coral reef environmental monitoring along with carbon sequestration and evaluating rare minor phyla taxonomy
Research Guidance
Teaching Experience
Notable Publications
92. Ubare, V.V. and Mohan, PM. (2016) A New Species of Genus PlakortisSchulze 1880 (Porifera: Homoscleromorpha) from Badabalu, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Zoological Studies, V.55, pp. 1-9. doi:10.6620/ZS.2016.55-02.pISSN 1810- 522X; 0.629
122.Kumari, R.K. and Mohan, P.M. (2018) Review on Dissolved Organic Carbon and Particulate Organic Carbon in Marine Environment. IlmuKelautan, V.23, pp.25-36. ISSN 0853-7291.DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.23.1.25-36.
108. Mohan, P.M., Muruganantham, M., Ubare, V.V., (2017) Coral bleaching is a Tool for Earthquake Prediction. ARPN Journal of Earth Sciences, V.6, pp.18-25. ISSN 2305-493X.
89. Chakraborty, S., Sinha, N., Chattopadhyay, R., Sengupta, S., Mohan, P.M. and Datye, A. (2016) Atmospheric controls on the precipitation isotopes over the Andaman Islands, Bay of Bengal. Scientific Reports, pp.1-11, www.nature.com/scientificreports (6.19555) DOI:10.1038srep19555.pISSN 2045- 2322; 5.578.
134. Sinha, N., Chakraborty, S., Chattopadhyay, R., Goswami, B.N., Mohan,P.M., Parua, D.K., Sarma, D., Datye,A., Sengupta, S., Bera, S. and Baruah, K.K. (2019) Isotopic investigation of the moisture transport processes over the Bay of Bengal. Journal of Hydrology, DOI:10.1016/j.hydroa.2019.100021’ License CC BY-NC-ND; Impact Factor: 3.727
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