Dr. Navin Chandra
Research Area
Dr. NAVIN CHANDRA serving as Assistant Professor of Statistics in Pondicherry University from 2006 and having around 18 years of teaching and research experiences. Educational qualifications Master of Science and Doctoral Thesis in Statistics obtained from Banaras Hindu University. Recipient of Senior Research Fellow from DST(MHRD), New Delhi. Area of research interests are Bayesian Inference, Reliability Theory and Survival Analysis. Three candidates has obtained Ph.D. (Statistics) degree under my supervision and more than 45 students guided for master degree dissertations. One UGC sponsored Major Research Project completed. More than 50 research articles published /submitted in peer-reviewed Indexed Scopus and UGC listed journals including conference proceedings. Two conference proceedings also Published. Several invited talks delivered and actively participated in more than 60 national and International conferences including workshops. One National conference and One national workshop (independently) and two International conference (jointly) and 8 academic events at University level are conducted. Around 50 Expert Lecture Program organized by inviting Senior established Professors / Seniors Scientists around Indian Universities and visitors from Foreign in the Department. Life and Annual members of Academic Societies / Professional Bodies pertaining to Statistics discipline. Member of editorial board in indexed journals. Member(invited) of Board of Studies in Statistics and Mathematics. Editorial Reviewers of several leading Statistics journals. Actively participated as observer and officer in National level several Programs. Major papers taught Probability Theory, Real analysis, Sampling Theory, Statistical Estimation Theory, Reliability Theory and Survival Analysis.
Notable Publications
2019-20: Inferences on Non-Identical Stress and Generalized Augmented Strength Reliability Parameters under Informative Priors, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 27(04), 1-23, World Publishing, Singapore.
2018: Survival estimation in xgamma distribution under progressively type-II right censored scheme - Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 13, 107-121, IOS Press(USA) (Impact Factor: 0.67), indexed by: Google Scholar, MathSciNet, Scopus
2018: Analysis and Optimum Plan for 3-Step Step-Stress Accelerated Life Tests with Lomax Model under Progressive Type-I Censoring, Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, 6(1), 73-90, Springer
2017: Bayes Estimation of Augmenting Gamma Strength Reliability of a System under Non Informative Prior Distributions. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin, 69(1), 87-102, SAGE Publishing
2017: Optimum Quadratic Step-Stress Accelerated Life Test Plan For Weibull Distribution Under Type-I Censoring, Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag, November, vol 8, supplement 2, pp.585-591, Springer