Dr. K. Dharanirajan
Research Area
Dr.K. Dharanirajan has done his M.Tech (Remote Sensing) from Bharathidasan University and later received his Ph.D from Anna Unversity. He has Fifteen years of research experience at Institute of Remote sensing and Institute of Ocean Management of Anna University. He is presently working as Asst. Professor & Head (i/c) of Dept. of Coastal Disaster Management of Pondicherry University. He has 12 years of teaching experience in Disaster Management, Remote sensing and GIS. He has published many research publication in this field. He has handled ISRO sponsored research project in Shoreline Management.
Disaster Management, Coastal Zone Management, Remote sensing & GIS
Research Guidance
Teaching Experience
Notable Publications
Man made impacts on sandy beaches in South Andaman islands – A case study using remote sensing and GIS
Study of tsunami impact for South Andaman island (India) using remote sensing and GIS
Remote sensing and GIS studies for the conservation and management of coastal environments
Study of tsunami induced ecological changes in South Andaman Island
The study of coastal tourism impact using remote sensing and GIS technique for South Andaman island (part), India
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