Dr. Jayapal Sharmili
Research Area
Having joined the French Department in 2010, I balance my journey between teaching and research work, which gives me immense scope to update my existing knowledge but also to explore new field of study, pertaining to francophone writings and translation work. French being like another mother tongue, I keep myself updated about the latest developments in the language and its multiple usages, so as to share my knowledge with my colleagues and students. I aspire to become an Indo-French writer in order to share my experiences about my passion for the French language and its idiosyncrasies.
Francophone literature
Research Guidance
Teaching Experience
Notable Publications
« Le décalage entre le mythe et la réalité dans l’œuvre de Nathacha Appanah » in International Conference on « Etudes francophones : enjeux et perspectives ». Ed by N.C Mirakamal (Ed.), Samhita Publication, 2012, pp. 100-107. (ISBN No : 978-93-81024-03-4)
« L’évolution de la femme dans l’œuvre de Natacha Appanah : vers un épanouissement insolite ? » in International Conference on « Marginalisation et résistance: repenser la femme ». Ed by Dr. Nalini J. Thampi, Langers International Pvt Ltd. March 2016, pp. 88-91. (ISBN No : 978-93-85478-43-7)
« From Slavery to Indentured Labour: a Franco-Mauritian perspective on the displacement of Indian emigrants » in International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities Special Issue - Publication of Conference Proceedings, July 2018. ( ISSN : 2321-7065)
« Teaching French as a foreign language: breaking the classroom boundaries» in the New Academia: An International Journal of English Language, Literature and Literary Theory, Special issue February 2019. (Online ISSN 2347-2073)
« La classe inversée au service du FLE: perspectives et enjeux » in the Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, Vol. 16, May 2019. (ISSN : 2230-7540)
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