Dr. Janisar A. M. Sheikh
Research Area
I am an igneous petrologist and I use outcrop features, petrography and mineral-chemical to geochemical data (including radiogenic isotopes) to understand the nature of magmas and their evolution in space and time. I have special research interest for structural and textural evolution of magmas/lavas during their emplacement and cooling. My present field of research include Alkaline Magmatism in Precambrian Terrains, Silicic to Mafic Volcanism/Plutonism in Continental Flood Basalt Provinces and Ophiolites in Subduction/Collision Zones.
Igneous Petrology, Volcanology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry
Research Guidance
Teaching Experience
Notable Publications
J. M. Sheikh, S. C. Patel, A. K. Champati, K. Madhavan, Behera, A. Naik, A. Gerdes (2020). Nepheline syenite intrusions from the Rengali Province, eastern India: Integrating geological setting, microstructures, and geochronological observations on their syntectonic emplacement. Precambrian Research, v. 346, art. 105802, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105802 (I.F. = 4.725)
J. M. Sheikh, H. Sheth, A. Naik, T. Keluskar (2020). Widespread rheomorphic and lava-like silicic ignimbrites overlying flood basalts in the northwestern and northern Deccan Traps. Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 82, art. 41, https://doi.org/10.1007/s0045-0202-013181-9 (I.F. = 2.517)
J. M. Sheikh, H. Sheth, A. Naik, T. Keluskar (2020). Physical volcanology of the Pavagadh rhyolites, northern Deccan Traps: Stratigraphic, structural, and textural record of explosive and effusive eruptions. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 404, art. 107024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.107024 (I.F. = 2.789)
J. M. Sheikh, S. C. Patel, D. Behera, N. Prabhakar (2015). Pyrochlore from Nepheline Syenite around Karlakot, Nuapada District, Odisha. Vistas in Geological Research, Utkal University Special publication in Geology, v. 13, 71–85 (I.F. = – Non-SCI)
S.H. Jafri, J. M. Sheikh (2013). Geochemistry of pillow basalts from Bompoka, Andaman–Nicobar Islands, Bay of Bengal, India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 64, 27–37, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.11.035 (I.F. = 3.449)
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