Dr. I. Subramania Pillai

Research Area

I am Dr. I. Subramania Pillai joined as an Assistsnt Professor, at the Department of Mathematics, Pondicherry University during October 2011, after serving two years at BITS Pilani, Goa Campus. My broad area of interest: Analysis and Topology. I have completed my M.Sc and Ph.D at University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.

  • Assistant Professor



Research Guidance
0 years
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Notable Publications

K.Ali Akbar, V.Kannan and I.Subramania Pillai, Simple dynamical systems, Applied General Topology(2019) 20. No.2: 307-324

V.Kannan, I.Subramania Pillai, K.Ali Akbar and B. Sanakara Rao, The set of periods of periodic points of a toral automorphism, Topology Proceedings (2011) Vol.37 : 219-232

I.Subramania Pillai, K. AliAkbar, V.Kannan and B. Sankara Rao, The set of periodic points of a toral automorphism, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2010) 366 : 367-371.

V.Kannan, B.Sankara Rao, I.Subramania Pillai and Niketha S. Salvi, Polynomials hardly commuting with increasing bijections, Semigroup Forum(2008) 76: 124-132

B.Sankara Rao, I.Subramania Pillai and V.Kannan , The set of Dynamically special points, Aequationes Mathematicae, Vol.82(2011) 81-90

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