Dr. Anchal Kumari
Research Area
Anchal is an interdisciplinary researcher trained in the field of Development Studies and the main focus of her research is within urban studies. Her research interest includes Urban and Regional Development, Production of Urban Spaces, Inequality and Marginalisation in Urban Spaces, Feminist Urban Studies, Urban Ecology. She received her doctoral degree from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. She has taught previously at SRM University Sikkim and at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi.
Development Studies, Urban and Regional Development, Production of Urban Spaces
Research Guidance
Teaching Experience
Notable Publications
Anchal Kumari (2020) The postcolonial moment in South and Southeast Asia, Contemporary South Asia, 28:1, 134-135, DOI: 10.1080/09584935.2020.1721657
Kumari, Anchal. 2016. Globalization and the development of privatised new townships in Pune: processes of urban development and exclusion. Jharkhand Journal of Development and Management Studies., Vol. 14, Nos.3 & 4, July- December 2016, pp. 7083- 7097.
Kumari, Anchal. 2015. City Size Distributions and Hierarchy among cities in India. The Journal of Development Practices. Vol.2. 26-34. Available At: http://journals.dbuniversity.ac.in/ojs/index.php/jdp/article/view/86
Kumari, Anchal. 2015. Reviewed work “Beyond Kolkata: Rajarhat and the Dystopia of Urban Imagination” by Ishita Dey, Ranabir Samaddar, and Suhit K. Sen. In The Inclusive. Vol. 1, Issue 7. Available At: http://www.theinclusive.org/posts/2015-02-br- 02.html.
Kumari, Anchal and Vinayak. 2023. "Bend the Ball Like Beckham, But Where?" In Plainspeak. Available at: https://www.tarshi.net/inplainspeak/bend-it-like-beckham-but-where/
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