Dr. Ajeet Jaiswal
Research Area
- Ph.D. from Delhi University 2009 (Anthropology). Title: Health Conditions of Textile Workers of District Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. M.Sc. (2003) and B.Sc. (2001), from Delhi University.
- Author of Eleven (11) books-5 Text Book, 3 Reference Book, 3 Edited Books.
- Published 104 papers and articles. 19 lectures telecast on Swayam Prabha Channel (Free D.T.H. Channel for Education)- Ecological Anthropology: Cultural and Biological Dimensions.
- Prepared the Physical and Financial Annual Progress Report, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India (2009-2010).
- Written 50 Units/Modules for IGNOU and P.G. e- Pathshala (An Ministry of Education Project under its National Mission on Education through I.C.T. (NME-ICT).
- Recorded 47 Videos Lectures for paper Anthropology, under e-PG Pathshala Project.
- Submitted UGC-Major Research Project (2016-2019).
- Research Guidance: 3 Ph.D.; 5 M.Phil; 31 M.A. /M.Sc.
- Editor-In-Chief: Anthropo-Indialogs – An Open Access Peer Reviewed Journal http://arfjournals.com/Archaeology/ai
- Editorial Board Member and Reviewer of more than 30 International and National J
- Participated and Presented in more than 100 International and National Seminars, Workshops, Lectures, Exhibitions, Orientation Courses, Refresher Courses and Summer Courses.
- Appointed as a Nodal Officer for the Student Satisfaction Survey under the PMMMNMTT scheme, Ministry of Human Resource Development.
- Delivered several Endowment Lectures, Keynote Addresses, Invited Speaker and Special Lectures.
- Convener of several International Panels -IUAES, Manchester, United Kingdom (2013); IUAES Inter-Congress, Bangkok, Thailand (2015); IUAES Inter-Congress, Poznan, Poland (2018).
- Lifetime Membership in many Educational Bodies.
- Deputy Chief Warden of Pondicherry University Hostel.
- Developed a Physical/Biological Anthropology Lab- Department of Anthropology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry.
- Received several academic Awards-Best Rapporteur Award 2018, The Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi; Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing award 2018, 2019; Indian Psychological Association (I.P.A.) Academic Excellence Awards 2020, the Indian Psychological Association, Department of Psychology, Punjab University, Chandigarh; Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing award 2020; Best Paper Award-The University Sains, Penang, Malaysia 2012; The Dr A. Sharma Memorial Best Paper Award, The University of Delhi, 2015.
- Participated in various Anthropological Development Programmes.
- Editor-In-Chief: Anthropo-Indialogs -An Open Access Peer Reviewed Journal http://arfjournals.com/Archaeology/ai
- http://www.pondiuni.edu.in/PU_Establishment/profile_view/?node=1222
- https://www.youtube.com/@biologicalandphysicalanthr7246/videos
- Web of Science Researcher ID: Ajeet Jaiswal R.I.D.: Y-5421-2019
- ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0891-2672
- SCOPUS ID: AU-ID (“Jaiswal, Ajeet” 54888646200)
- http://anthropologicalstudy.blogspot.com/
- Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ajeet_Jaiswal
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=V4cXI7oAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=title
- Publons: https://publons.com/dashboard/records/publication/import/
- Academia.edu: https://cutn.academia.edu/DrAjeetJaiswal/Papers
- Mendeley Reference Manager:https://www.mendeley.com/reference-manager/library/all-references/
- Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajeet-jaiswal-74408128/
- Vidwan-ID: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/65564
- Microsoft Academic Search Id: (4383840227): shorturl.at/nLPS5
- https://cutn.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/CV_Dr_Ajeet_Jaiswal_02112022.pdf
- My GOV. User ID: 69675774
Epidemiological and Public Health, Especially Occupational Health and Environmental Health
Population and Demographic Anthropology
Nutritional Anthropology
Forensic Anthropology
Tribal Ethnography
- Associate Professor
(M): 09791201427 (Whatsapp); 8122594335
rpgajeet@gmail.com, rpgajeet@pondiuni.ac.in
Research Guidance
Teaching Experience
Notable Publications
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