Dr. A Shahin Sultana
Research Area
Prof. A. Shahin Sultana has two decades of experience in a progressive career in teaching, research, field work, research guidance and administration. She is specialised in Medical and Psychiatric Social Work and has a demonstrated experience in teaching curriculum in the areas of Psychology for Social Work practice, Social Policy and Social Welfare Administration, Medical Social Work and Public Health for Social Workers. She has a demonstrated ability to design, adapt, organize, archive, and disseminate instructional and curricular materials for a range of teaching contexts. Has profound experience in researching and evaluating new educational programs, instructional methods, Social Work curriculum materials, and training courses and has hands-on experience in designing Social Work learning courses and workshops at varied levels. Adept in building a collaborative and friendly classroom environment using team teaching, and interactive learning. Has an expertise in leadership and has sound knowledge of administrative strategies, policies and procedures. Has been involved in training, research and collaboration with Institutions, Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations at National and International platforms. Her prime areas of work include Mental Health and Well-being, Public Health, Children, Adolescents and Youth. She has visited South Korea, Malaysia, Srilanka, UAE, Thailand as part of Invited talks and academic presentations.
Notable Publications
Shahin Sultana. A (2024): Training the Social Work Students for the Next Generation: The Role of Academia. in Baikady (eds). The Oxford Handbook of Power, Politics, and Social Work. Oxford University Press. [Online ISBN:9780197650929].
Akhitha K Raghu and Shahin Sultana. A (2024). A Study of Psychological Well-Being of Higher Secondary School Adolescents in Educational Administration: Theory and Practice. (Page 784-788) May 2024. Vol. 30 No.5 (2024) (ISBN: 2148-2403) (Peer reviewed refereed, Scopus Indexed Journal).
Naviya Antony. K and Shahin Sultana. A (2023). Trail to Adulthood: Status of Youth grounded on Markers of Adulthood in Innovations. Number 73. (Page 1645-1656) August 2023. Number 73, Issue 05, (Pg 1645-1656) (ISSN: 12674982). (Peer reviewed refereed, Scopus Indexed Journal).
Shahin Sultana. A (2022). “Social Work - Meaning and Concept, Objectives and Functions” in Bishnu M.D. (eds.) Introduction to Social Work. Sage Publishers. [ISBN: 9789354795039]
Shahin Sultana. A (2022). “Mental Health in Disaster Risk Reduction: An Evidence Based Review” in Sigamani, P. (eds.), Emerging Challenges for Disaster Risk Reduction. Bloomsbury [ISBN: 978-93-54357-57-2]