Dr. A. Joseph Kennedy

Research Area

My area of specialization is Representations of Algebra and combinatorics.

  • Professor



Research Guidance
0 years
Teaching Experience

Notable Publications

"M. Parvathi and A. Joseph Kennedy, G-vertex colored partition algebras as centralizer algebras of direct products, Communications in Algebras, 32 (11) (2004), 4337-436. Publisher : Taylor and Francis group, UK www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713597239 \\"

"A. Joseph Kennedy, Class partition algebras as centralizer algebras of wreath products, Communications in Algebras, 35 (2007), 145-170. Publisher : Taylor and Francis group, UK. www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713597239\\"

M. Parvathi and A. Joseph Kennedy, Representations of vertex colored partition algebras, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 28 (2004), 493-518. Publisher : Springer-Verlag,China. www.springerlink.com/content/110637/\\

A. Joseph Kennedy and G. Muniasamy, Rook version of a colored Partition Algebras, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences(1), Vol 3(2013), 1-17. Publisher : Springer, http://www.springerlink.com \\

" A. Joseph Kennedy, P. Jaish and P. Sundaresan, Note on generating function of higher dimensional Bell numbers, Malaya Journal of Mathmatik, Vol 8, No 2, 369-372, 2020. Publisher : University Press, https://doi.org/10.26637/MJM0802/0009 "