Dr. V. Arulmurugan
Research Area
Ph.D. Commerce (University of Madras), M.Phil-Commerce (Triple Gold Medals), M.Com-Business Finance & MBA-International Business (Pondicherry University). Professionally Qualified in UGC–NET–JRF-Commerce, UGC-NET-EFL-Commerce & Management. Has 18 years of Experience in Teaching, Research & Social Outreach in University of Madras, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University & Pondicherry University. Specialized in Commerce Science & Research. Guided 14 Pre-Doctoral Research. Completed an ICSSR Major Research Project. Received Twenty Eight Awards & Recognitions including Six Times Best Teacher Award, Best Young Social Scientist – International Academic Excellence Award 2020 & Best NSS Programme Officer Award 2020. To Sum-up, Inspirational-Speaker, Writer, Scientific-Researcher, Data-Analyst, Career-Counselor and Socio-Technocrat.
- Associate Professor

arulpdy@yahoo.co.in, arulmurugan.kcm@pondiuni.edu.in
Notable Publications
Arulmurugan V and Sivakumar. S (2013), “Skilled Manpower for Sustainable Inclusive Growth in Logistics Sector in India”, Research Explorer – A Refereed Bi Annual International Research Journal on Multidisciplinary, (ISSN 2250-1940), Vol.II, Special Issue, Pp.282-284. (Received Best Research Paper Award).
Arulmurugan V (2013), “Selection Criteria for Logistics Outsourcing in Manufacturing Sector In India - An Empirical Analysis”, Namex International Journal of Management Research, (ISSN 2250 – 2076), Vol. 3, Issue 1, Pp.100-108.
V. Arulmurugan & S. A. Viknesh Kumar (2016), “Futuristic Perspective Analysis of On-line Buyers for sustainability of E-Commerce”, Ushus Journal of Business Management, ISSN: 0975-3311; Vol.15 Issue.1, 47-60.
Arulmurugan.V, Vikneshkumar.S.A, and Rani Narmatha.G.E (2018), “Adoption of Goods and Service Tax (GST) by Business Entities – A Perception Analysis”, Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research (ISSN: 2395 5929) & (UGC S. No. 45302), Vol. IV, Pp.283-289 (Scientific Journal Impact Factor 2017: 4.253)
Arulmurugan. V (2019), “Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Entreprenuirship: An Approach to Economic Tranformation”, Suraj Punj Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (ISSN No. 2394 2886) (UGC S.No 64786) Inpact Factor 6.1, Special Issue, pp.46-48.